
Ekim, 2016 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Religion and Social Values-1.11.

READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MIS-USE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE WHY THEY  SPONSOR TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL LIVING COUNTRIES."  "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 1: The Circumstances in Which We Have to Live in the World-11. The other difficulty with us is that another person cannot easily help us in this matter, because very few can go into our own mind. Though there are ways and means of studying another’s mind, these are not easy ways. They require deep training and a highly impersonal conduct of the mind to appreciate the exact conditions in which another’s mind operates. But we are the best judge of our own self. The personal and social conditions of life take much of our time. Do you

REASON AND RELIGION-21. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

"I should be very glad to see a man who could show me something which is good all the time, and something which is bad all the time. The storm that kills my friend I call evil, but that may have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by killing the bacilli in the air. The Impersonal God we propose is not a relative God; therefore it cannot be said that It is either good or bad, but that It is something beyond, because It is neither good nor evil." 28/10/2016.   Opinion          819                       All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.               VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -         Sub :   REASON AND RELIGION-21.  (Delivered in England)  By Swami Vivekananda.          Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  

Religion and Social Values-1.10.

READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MIS-USE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE WHY THEY  SPONSOR TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL LIVING COUNTRIES."  "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 1: The Circumstances in Which We Have to Live in the World-10. Everyone here is mentally healthy; it is perfectly clear. But the mental health that we are considering and referring to under the circumstances of the nature of the aspiration with which you have come here is something different from the normalcy of the mental operations of man. And if you like to call it so, you may say there is a supernormal condition of mental functions. It is this that can be the means of the fulfilment of your noble aspirations in the field of re

REASON AND RELIGION-20. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

"I should be very glad to see a man who could show me something which is good all the time, and something which is bad all the time. The storm that kills my friend I call evil, but that may have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by killing the bacilli in the air. The Impersonal God we propose is not a relative God; therefore it cannot be said that It is either good or bad, but that It is something beyond, because It is neither good nor evil."       14/10/2016.        785.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -         Sub :   REASON AND RELIGION-20.  (Delivered in England)  By Swami Vivekananda.          Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen W

Religion and Social Values-1.9.

"READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MIS-USE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE WHY THEY  SPONSOR TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL LIVING COUNTRIES."  "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 1: The Circumstances in Which We Have to Live in the World-9. This sad state of affairs cannot go on for a long time. Every dog has his day, and we have our day. But that day cannot be every day. This is the beginning of a right pursuit in the direction of the true values of life. As we know very well, by common sense, that no enterprise can be embarked upon in life without perfect health of the body, the basic prerequisite of any adventure is physical health, first and foremost. Likewise, in your noble pursuits with whose s

REASON AND RELIGION-19. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

"I should be very glad to see a man who could show me something which is good all the time, and something which is bad all the time.  The storm that kills my friend I call evil, but that may have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by killing the bacilli in the air.  The Impersonal God we propose is not a relative God; therefore it cannot be said that It is either good or bad, but that It is something beyond, because It is neither good nor evil."        14/10/2016.        785.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -         Sub :   REASON AND RELIGION-19.  (Delivered in England)  By Swami Vivekananda.          Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Liste

Religion and Social Values-1.8.

"READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MIS-USE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE THEY WHY THEY ARE SPONSORING TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL LIVING COUNTRIES."  "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 1: The Circumstances in Which We Have to Live in the World-8. Are there not corners in your own room which you hide from visitors because they are not clean? There is a basket where you have thrown torn pieces of paper. There is an old cloth which you have been using for wiping your floor. There is a kitchen which is all pell-mell. You have only a drawing room with a beautiful sofa to receive VVIPs. Such a drawing room we have within our own selves; but the unwanted corners, unfortunately for us, are a majority in

REASON AND RELIGION-18. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

"DEAR MEMBERS, READ CAREFULLY, ASSIMILATE THE TATTVAM, OF PERSONAL GOD, AND HOW SWAMIJI NARRATES  BEFORE THE WORLD .. NO PROPHET ( WHETHER MUSLIMS OR CHRISTIANS ) CAN OVERTAKE  OR CHALLENGE THIS SON OF HOLY BHARATHAM"       08/10/2016.        766.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -         Sub :   REASON AND RELIGION-18.  (Delivered in England)  By Swami Vivekananda.          Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says -     18. On the other hand, as you all know, the modern physical researches are tending more and more to demonstrate that what is real is but the finer; the gross is simply appearance. However that may be, we have se

Religion and Social Values-1.7.

"READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MIS-USE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE THEY WHY THEY ARE SPONSORING TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL LIVING COUNTRIES."  "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 1: The Circumstances in Which We Have to Live in the World-7. This very difficult-to-understand situation of our own mental operations is perhaps the background of very bitter analyses which were ruthlessly conducted by psychoanalysis about the nature of man in this world. Medical examination is not always a pleasant thing to undergo. Very unpleasant it is, for various reasons. And even to find time to go deep into our own mental makeup is not a happy thing. When we go into the corners of the citadel in which we a