Religion and Social Values-1.18.
Wednesday, 30.11.2016. READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MIS-USE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE WHY THEY SPONSOR TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL LIVING COUNTRIES." "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 1: The Circumstances in Which We Have to Live in the World-18. Now you should be a little clear as to why you are unhappy in this world. Nobody makes you unhappy—not your boss, not your subordinate, not your husband, not your wife, not anybody. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” as the poet put it. There is something very strange within our own selves in many a sense, not only in one sense. Anatomically and physiologically, we are strange complexes. The more we study the anatomical, physiologica...