
Şubat, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

The Essence of Dharma-1

01/03/2017. (Spoken on February 11th, 1973) 1. The duty of man depends upon the aim of life. Whatever we are supposed to do in our life is directed by the purpose for which we are existing. Aimless activity is unthinkable. All our efforts, professions and works are somehow or other directed toward the achievement of an end, a goal or a purpose. Unless we are conscious and clear about the aim of our life, it would be difficult for us to determine the nature of our duties in life. In India especially, ethics are based on metaphysics. The conduct of life is rooted in the concept of existence. 1.1 Now, the purpose of life, or the aim of life, is again dependent upon the nature of the universe. How is the universe constituted? On that depends very much the aim of our existence, of our life, and consequently, the nature of our activities. We must know to what family we belong, what sort of atmosphere we are living in, what the tradition of our society is. On that depends the way in which we

REASON AND RELIGION-1.2 { 1.Claiming this ( Brahmam ) superiority, religions have many times looked down, unfortunately, on all secular knowledge, and not only so, but many times have refused to be justified by the aid of secular knowledge. 2. In consequence, all the world over there have been fights between secular knowledge and religious knowledge, the one claiming infallible authority as its guide, refusing to listen to anything that secular knowledge has to say on the point, the other, with its shining instrument of reason, wanting to cut to pieces everything religion could bring forward.

            Opinion               26/02/2017.                    1002.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : - Sub : REASON AND RELIGION-1.2 ----------------------------------------- Swami Vivekananda (Delivered in England) Ref : {1.Claiming this ( Brahmam ) superiority, religions have many times looked down, unfortunately, on all secular knowledge, and not only so, but many times have refused to be justified by the aid of secular knowledge. } 1.2 In consequence, all the world over there have been fights between secular knowledge and religious knowledge, the one claiming infallible authority as its guide, refusing to listen to anything that secular knowledge has to say on the point, the other, with its shining instrument of reason, wanting to cut to pieces everything religion could bring forward. This fight has been and is still waged in every country. Religions have been again a

Religion and Social Values-2.5

22/02/2017. READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MISUSE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE WHY THEY  SPONSOR TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL  COUNTRIES."  "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 2: The Need for a Larger Outlook-5. While we may, under a pressure of necessity, accept that there is such a thing called subjection to birth and death, and we also concede that we have no control over this phenomenon, we try to push this event to a future date with the power of our imagination. We want to rule somehow or other, even in hell. The desire to rule is predominant in man and, somehow or other, he wants to make his voice heard and accepted, at least in some measure. So what does man say? “My dear friend, world, law

REASON AND RELIGION-1.1 { 1.Claiming this ( Brahmam ) superiority, religions have many times looked down, unfortunately, on all secular knowledge, and not only so, but many times have refused to be justified by the aid of secular knowledge. 2. In consequence, all the world over there have been fights between secular knowledge and religious knowledge, the one claiming infallible authority as its guide, refusing to listen to anything that secular knowledge has to say on the point, the other, with its shining instrument of reason, wanting to cut to pieces everything religion could bring forward.

Opinion         16/02/2017.                    993.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : - Sub : REASON AND RELIGION-1.1 Swami Vivekananda (Delivered in England) Ref : {1.Claiming this ( Brahmam ) superiority, religions have many times looked down, unfortunately, on all secular knowledge, and not only so, but many times have refused to be justified by the aid of secular knowledge. } 1.1 {A sage called Narada went to another sage named Sanatkumara to learn about truth, and Sanatkumara inquired what he had studied already. Narada answered that he had studied the Vedas, Astronomy, and various other things, yet he had got no satisfaction. Then there was a conversation between the two, in the course of which Sanatkumara remarked that all this knowledge of the Vedas, of Astronomy, and of Philosophy, was but secondary; sciences were but secondary. That which made us realise the Brahman

Religion and Social Values-2.4.

14/02/2017. READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MISUSE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE WHY THEY  SPONSOR TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL  COUNTRIES."  "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 2: The Need for a Larger Outlook-4. But more than all this, topping the list of all our difficulties, there is the unsolved problem of birth and death that clinches the whole matter before us. The final judgement is delivered by the world upon everyone here when it declares that it is not going to listen to our opinion in the matter of this great order which we regard as the phenomenon of dying and being born. We have absolutely no say in this matter. This is the last bolt that the world has struck upon us. “If you talk more,

THE HINDU RELIGION : 5. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

I should be very glad to see a man who could show me something which is good all the time, and something which is bad all the time. The storm that kills my friend I call evil, but that may have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by killing the bacilli in the air. The Impersonal God we propose is not a relative God; therefore it cannot be said that It is either good or bad, but that It is something beyond, because It is neither good nor evil." Opinion         11/02/2017.                    988.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -         Sub :   THE HINDU RELIGION : 5.  By Swami Vivekananda. (Summary of a lecture delivered before the Ethical Society, Brooklyn, at the Pouch Gallery in Clinton Avenue, on the 30th December, 1894. Reproduced from the Brooklyn Standard Union.) I. We believe in a God, the Father of the universe, infinite and omnipotent. But if o

Religion and Social Values-2.3.

Swami Krishnananda with his Mother and Swami Chidananda, ... 07/02/2017. READ CAREFULLY, AND THEN KEEP THE ESSENCE IN YOUR MIND EVER; THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR PAKISTAN AND OTHER TERROR SPONSORING ISLAMIC COUNTRIES; MAJORITY OIL RICH MUSLIM COUNTRIES MISUSE RELIGION; THEY ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE SOCIAL VALUES OF RELIGION; OTHERWISE WHY THEY  SPONSOR TERRORIST, AND EXPORT TERROR TO PEACEFUL  COUNTRIES."  "BHARATHAM REALIZED THE TRUTH OF RELIGION AND SOCIAL VALUES, SINCE ANCIENT DAYS FROM GREAT MAHARISHI-S" Chapter 2: The Need for a Larger Outlook-3. I. Unfortunately for us, the world does not behave the way we expect it to behave. II. This should awaken our mind to a further concession that perhaps we are not the rulers of the world. III. Many times it has been proven to us that the world is ruling over us; we are not ruling it. IV. We have been subjected to the operation of the laws of the world in all the facets through which it manifests itself, and our voices have not bee

THE HINDU RELIGION : 4. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

I should be very glad to see a man who could show me something which is good all the time, and something which is bad all the time. The storm that kills my friend I call evil, but that may have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by killing the bacilli in the air. The Impersonal God we propose is not a relative God; therefore it cannot be said that It is either good or bad, but that It is something beyond, because It is neither good nor evil." Opinion         03/02/2017.                    981.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -         Sub :   THE HINDU RELIGION : 4.  By Swami Vivekananda. I. Every religion has it that man's present and future are modified by the past, and that the present is but the effect of the past. How is it, then, that every child is born with an experience that cannot be accounted for by hereditary transmission? II. How is it