
Şubat, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Opinion 28/02/2018  1153 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY WORLD, PARENTS, TEACHERS, CHILDREN, YOUTH AND GOVERNMENTS  : MANUSHYA JANMAM ( TAKING BIRTH  AS HUMAN BEING ) IS SACRED, BECAUSE OF GOOD KARMA DONE PREVIOUS BIRTH; SO IT IS THE DUTY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS TO FOLLOW RIGHTEOUS LIFE, AND PRACTICE TRUTH .. Islam is becoming more and more violent, cheating the vulnerable citizens in the societies / world communities,  and forcible conversions by trapping men and women in particular by way of love jihads, terror groups make islam a tool to act at will of their choice, in as many countries, the major so called super powers, with veto the horrible tool to disrupt the UNITED NATIONS DECISIONS, by taking sides of good terror; others helpless,  are silent spectators, leading the world into catastrophe ... Christianity is totally decaying, as  FALSE PROPAGANDA, could not achieve any results now as before; no

The Essence of Dharma-23.

23/02/2018 Spoken on February 11th, 1973) This is the concept of dharma, of the duty of man in the universe, the nature of which is thus explained. Dharma has sometimes been regarded as one of the four purusharthas: dharma, artha, kama, moksha. This is the sum and substance of Hinduism. The essence of the religion of India is summed up in a phrase: dharma, artha, kama, moksha. If you are asked by anyone what is Hinduism, simply say, “Dharma, artha, kama, moksha.” This is Hinduism: a blend of these four concepts of duty. Hinduism is always a blend. It is never a one-sided affair. It has no name. ‘Hinduism’ is not the name of this religion. It is the name that is foisted upon it by Westerners, not knowing what it is. We have no name for our religion. It is not founded by any person. It is universal, capable of absorbing everything into itself like a menstruum. It is sanatana dharma, eternal dharma. It is eternal religion forever applicable to all persons of all creeds and sexes. Now, dha


Opinion 18/02/2018  1137 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY WORLD, PARENTS, TEACHERS, CHILDREN, YOUTH AND GOVERNMENTS  : MANUSHYA JANMAM ( TAKING BIRTH  AS HUMAN BEING ) IS SACRED, BECAUSE OF GOOD KARMA DONE PREVIOUS BIRTH; SO IT IS THE DUTY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS TO FOLLOW RIGHTEOUS LIFE, AND PRACTICE TRUTH .. Islam is becoming more and more violent, cheating the vulnerable citizens in the societies / world communities,  and forcible conversions by trapping men and women in particular by way of love jihads, terror groups make islam a tool to act at will of their choice, in as many countries, the major so called super powers, with veto the horrible tool to disrupt the UNITED NATIONS DECISIONS, by taking sides of good terror; others helpless,  are silent spectators, leading the world into catastrophe ... Christianity is totally decaying, as  FALSE PROPAGANDA, could not achieve any results now as before; no

The Essence of Dharma-22.

13/02/2018 Spoken on February 11th, 1973) What is moksha? It is the liberation of the consciousness from the notion that it is outside the being of the universe. This is moksha. Moksha is, at the same time, freedom from bondage, contact with Reality, oneness with the universe, performance of one’s duty, and the realisation of the highest bliss. For us, moksha is everything. There is nothing except moksha that one can ask for. Moksha is not a future attainment which will come to us tomorrow: “Today I will be a brahmachari, tomorrow a grihastha, the day after tomorrow a vanaprastha, the fourth day a sannyasi, and then I will think of moksha.” We have an idea that God is a future tense and a thing of the future, while He is eternal presence. He appears to be a future realisation on account of there being a concept of the gradation of reality. I am deliberately using the words ‘concept of gradation’ because reality by itself has no gradation. There are no degrees in reality. There are degr


Opinion               07/02/2018.                    1124                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation. Everyone's idea of practical religion is according to his theory of practicality and the standpoint he starts from. There is work. There is the system of worship. There is knowledge.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : - This article was recorded by Ida Ansell in shorthand. As, however, Swamiji's speed was too great for her in her early days, dots are put in the articles to indicate the omissions, while the words within square brackets are added by way of linking up the disconnected parts. (Delivered in San Francisco, April 5, 1900) Sub : PRACTICAL RELIGION : BREATHING AND MEDITATION - 8. Swami Vivekananda The Yogi is expected to keep his own body well. These various breathing exercises are a great help in regulating the different parts of the body. All the different parts are inundated with breath. It is through

The Essence of Dharma-21.

03/02/2018 Spoken on February 11th, 1973) Now I come to another aspect of the subject. What is this being? Why do we say ‘being’? Because the universe is being. It is not becoming. Western philosophers and psychologists are wont to say that the universe is becoming, but Indian metaphysics tell us that it is being. If it is becoming, it should be a process. Hegel and Whitehead are the protagonists of this theory of process in the Western world. But what do they mean by a process? It is a movement, but a movement of what? Of the universe. Towards what? Movement is inconceivable without space, but space is a part of the cosmos, so we come a cropper. How can we conceive of a universe of process unless there is space intervening between the parts of the process? And when the space also is a part of the process itself, how can there be a process? So the universe is not process; it is existence. When space and process combine together, we have a being of the universe and not a becoming of the