
Haziran, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

RELIGION : PART- II : Sub : THE CLAIMS OF RELIGION -3. Today the world is not peaceful and happy; but full of fear and animosity with each other; more and more weapons of destruction is accumulated by Super powers; Small nations follow them in the same path; Terrorism is on the increase, Islamic countries is adapting terror groups, sustain them and use on other peaceful nations; Religions, especially Islam and Christianity failed miserably, Super powers are the culprits, cause for destruction of the world; Here the Swamiji's words are highly valuable, Understand what Swamiji said ..

Opinion       27/06/2018                1291. All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation.           VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY WORLD, PARENTS, TEACHERS, CHILDREN, YOUTH AND GOVERNMENTS  : MANUSHYA JANMAM ( TAKING BIRTH  AS HUMAN BEING ) IS SACRED, BECAUSE OF GOOD KARMA DONE PREVIOUS BIRTH; SO IT IS THE DUTY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS TO FOLLOW RIGHTEOUS LIFE, AND PRACTICE TRUTH .. Islam is becoming more and more violent, cheating the vulnerable citizens in the societies / world communities,  and forcible conversions by trapping men and women in particular by way of love jihads, terror groups make islam a tool to act at will of their choice, in as many countries, the major so called super powers, with veto the horrible tool to disrupt the UNITED NATIONS DECISIONS, by taking sides of good terror; others helpless,  are silent spectators, leading the world into catastrophe ... Christianity is totally decaying, as  FALSE PROPAGANDA, could not achieve any resul

Immortal Values : 4.

21/06/2018 4. Relationship to Society :- Satyam vada, “Speak the truth”: Truthfulness consists mainly in uttering a thought as it is actually perceived, without hypocrisy or any vulgar motive to do injury to others. Truthfulness in its essential meaning is the atunement of one’s thoughts with one’s own intellectual convictions. Having developed this quality of truthfulness, where should one apply it? As if anticipating such a doubt in the student, the teacher says, dharmam chara. Dharma is a Sanskrit word that has no corresponding word in English. We may, for our convenience, but not to our full satisfaction, translate dharma as “duty”. "Hinduism is built upon duties and responsibilities, not on rights. A culture built upon duties recognizes the right to do one’s duty as the fundamental privilege in life. A generation that understands such a culture gets trained to demand of life ample chances to fulfil its duties. Duty, therefore, develops the spirit of giving, not the lust to ho

Immortal Values : 3.

04/06/2018 3.The great qualities that the teacher has insisted upon are: (a) The practice of what is right and proper as indicated in the scriptures (ritam); (b) Living up to the ideals that have been intellectually comprehended during the studies (satyam); (c) Aspirit of self – sacrifice and self – denial (tapas); (d) Control of the senses (dama); (e) Tranquillity of the mind (sama); (f) Maintenance of a charitable and ready kitchen at home in the service of all deserving hungry fellow beings (agni); (g) Practice of concentration and ritualism through fire worship as was in vogue in the society of those days; and (h) Doing one’s duty towards humanity, towards one’s children and grandchildren and towards the society. Continuing the “Convocation Address”, the teacher says: Having taught the Vedas, the preceptor enjoins the pupil: “Speak the truth, do your duty, never swerve from the study of the Vedas; do not cut off the line of descendants in your family, after giving the preceptor the