
Aralık, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Divine Life -1. Sri Swami Chidananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 05/12/2019. 1. ======================================================================== Divine Life movement is a plan of life and a goal that is common and acceptable to all upon earth, who wish to rise above sorrow and obtain lasting Bliss. More than to strive to reach heaven after this life, the followers of the Divine Life try to make conditions of Heaven prevail upon earth... The basis of this movement is adherence to the triple ideals of truth, non-violence and purity—the common fundamental tenets of all the religions throughout the world. —Swami Sivananda We have been trying to know about Gurudev’s life and his teachings, what he taught us. One of the very, very important, most significant insight that Holy Master Swami Sivanandaji brought into our life and into our understanding is the truth that the spiritual striving, the Yoga-Sadha