The Art of Divine-Symbolism Radha and Krishna 2. : Chinmaya Mission


The infinite, all-pervading Truth, donning the finite form of a human being, gives the impression that the Truth is fettered and limited. This idea of the illimitable Truth seeming to be limited is well brought out by the fact that Krishna is said to have been born in prison. His tyrant uncle, Kamsa, imprisoned Krishna’s father, usurped the throne of Mathura, and reigned along with his own cruel minister, Chanura. As long as these two men were in charge of Mathura, there was confusion and chaos everywhere. Krishna destroyed the tyrants and restored peace and order in the land. Similarly, our bosom is usurped by two evil forces, namely, the ego and egocentric desires, which cause agitations, worries, and anxieties within. When these two forces are conquered by one’s higher nature, the original glory and splendor of the pure Self is restored,

Krishna, as the Consciousness, or Atman, resides in the core of one’s personality. It remains confined, as it were, within the five layers of matter constituting the human personality (food, vital air, mental, intellectual, and bliss sheaths). However, Atman, being subtler than the matter vestures, is not bound or limited by them.

Though the infinite Being seems to be limited and confined to a human embodiment, it is ever free and uncontaminated. The pure Self within is never affected or bound by one’s material equipment (upadhis), that is, the body, mind, and intellect. Though the divine child Krishna was born in prison, neither the iron bars nor the prison guards could confine Him. Vasudeva, His father, safely carried Him out of prison in spite of the severe restrictions imposed upon him.

Krishna is described as the infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Reality. Yet His revered mother Yasoda saw only her child in Him. On one occasion, the little boy Krishna was suspected of having eaten mud. The mother chided Him, but the boy denied having eaten mud. Krishna was only telling the truth, for the earth is included in His universal form. He is the Whole.

How can the Whole Being eat its own part? The eater and the eaten cannot be one and the same. The Lord tried to explain, but the mother could not measure the magnitude and stature of His Infinite Being in her own child. Upon her insistence, the boy opened His tiny mouth and revealed, to her utter amazement, the entire universe within.

To be continued ...


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