
Nisan, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Divine Life -4. Sri Swami Chidananda

========================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19/04/2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A meditator must gradually become transformed into the object which he is meditating upon. If the object is the ultimate Reality that is All-good, All-noble, All-perfect, Absolutely Pure, Bliss Absolute, the Sadhaka must also become Good, Noble, Perfect, Pure, Holy, Godly. Vedanta declares Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati ‘The knower of the Brahman becomes Brahman Itself’ (Mundakopanishad 3/2/9). If you really want to worship God, you must become God-like, you must become a god. Then only you can connect yourself with Him and worship Him. The essence of worship is connecting yourself with the Divine Reality and moving towards It, approaching It and entering into It. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Ultimately all Sadhana is connecting yourself with the