Divine Life -4. Sri Swami Chidananda



A meditator must gradually become transformed into the object which he is meditating upon.

If the object is the ultimate Reality that is All-good, All-noble, All-perfect, Absolutely Pure, Bliss Absolute, the Sadhaka must also become Good, Noble, Perfect, Pure, Holy, Godly. Vedanta declares Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati ‘The knower of the Brahman becomes Brahman Itself’ (Mundakopanishad 3/2/9).

If you really want to worship God, you must become God-like, you must become a god. Then only you can connect yourself with Him and worship Him. The essence of worship is connecting yourself with the Divine Reality and moving towards It, approaching It and entering into It.

Ultimately all Sadhana is connecting yourself with the Reality, approaching It and entering into It. If you want to connect yourself with the supreme Reality, there must be something in you similar to That. Then alone there can be a point of contact, and you can have relationship with God.

To worship It, we must already have within us, at least to some degree, the nature of the supreme Reality. It is no use quoting Vedanta saying, ‘I am an Amsha, a part of God, I am already divine, why should I have anything to do?’


This is no good. This is at best, a second-hand knowledge from the scriptures or lectures. This was perhaps the main reason why Gurudev called his gospel ‘Divine Life’ and did not call it this type of meditation or that type of Vedanta or this type of Yoga or that type of Sadhana, or Kriya Yoga or super-Sadhana.

There are so many schools, so many teachers who give specific types of meditation or Sadhana or Yoga and all that. India is full of them. But then, no one seems to realise the importance of emphasising upon life, emphasising upon living the life in a noble, pure, godly, sublime way.

This is more than half of all spirituality, all Sadhana. Once you become well-established in a good and noble life, in a pure and holy life, in a life full of kindness, compassion, sympathy, understanding, forbearance, forgiveness pardon, then that life itself has already taken you on the spiritual path.

It is like a perfectly prepared field prepared by a farmer for sowing after removing stones and woods, cleaning, ploughing, manuring. If he sows seeds in such a ready field within no time the sprouts appear and he yields a good harvest.

If the ground is not prepared, you all know the Puranic analogy of the sower of the seeds:

To be continued ...



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