
We have wonderful ideas, but the instrument of the mind is not available to us at this moment. Therefore, the great Rishis and prophets of yore,who were also glorious psychologists, declared that unless you master the mind, unless you have control of the instrument of expression, you cannot
translate ideas into actions. Failure in this world is never due to a lack of ideas. One percent of the population, perhaps, will be stupid from birth onwards. The rest are bestowed with wonderful ideas, but when they act in the market place, when they express themselves in society, somehow or other they do it wrongly and fail to win the battle of life. For example, there are many music critics who write beautiful commentaries on music. But if you ask them to sing, they cannot. And if they do, all of you will go home!


The mind is the instrument which translates into action the ideas and convictions which are already in the intellect. At home, we learn from our parents. In a university or college, we learn from teachers and books. From these, we get the bulk of our Intellectual ideas. We understand and analyse them in our head. Still, whatever mass of knowledge we may acquire, we will be utter failures in life until we can use that knowledge in the' world outside. In order to do that, we will have to assimilate it and express it through our minds. If the mind is not under my control, nothing within or outside me is under my control. Therefore, mental control, mental development, as the modern educationists say, is most important. The student who develops a certain amount of mind control is marked as one who will have the greatest success in life. This idea was called yoga in the ancient times. Disciplining
the mind is called yoga, not just sitting with folded legs, with the nose held between two fingers!

To be continued ..


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