Divine Life -3. Sri Swami Chidananda



#There were some merry-makers who had consumed more liquor than that was good for them. So they were high. They went out for a rowing trip to some place a little away further down the river. They went out on a hot summer night, expecting to reach the destination at the dawn.

##With all the preparations they came to the river side and boarded a boat. They went on rowing, singing cheerfully in expectation of reaching the great destination. When it was twilight, they were in great spirit thinking that they would soon be reaching the destination.

###Then they saw some persons coming towards the river for taking the bath, they started shouting: "We have reached, we have reached." But someone said, "All these people look familiar."

#They asked someone, "Which is this place?" 

##The villager rebuked, "Don’t you recognise your own village?" 

###A merry-maker argued, "We are rowing for such a long time and how is it that we have not reached our destination? 

####How can we be stationary at the same place?" 

##### So the wise man explained, "Your boat is tied to a tug in the post. You cannot make any progress unless you untie your boat."

#In the same way, the spiritual Sadhana will not bring you nearer to the destination, if you do not, first of all untie the bonds of impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya, desires, jealousy, hatred, anger, hostility, greed, delusion, untruthfulness, dishonesty. 

##Our efforts will be like the oil-man’s bullocks moving on and on from dawn to dust and yet remain at the same place without making any progress whatsoever. If we do not untie ourselves, make us free from all the impurities before launching into spiritual Sadhana either we are trying to deceive ourselves or the people, or we are very, very unwise, thoughtless, foolish. 

###The great scriptures say, the essence of spiritual life is gradually becoming like That whom you adore, whom you are trying to Realise, whom you are meditating upon. 

To be continued ...




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